
The struggle of being ‘the strong one ‘

Usually in any setting, there is that person that is held in regard as strong and resilient and possessing of good virtues. Whether its with friends or family. This only breeds more of itself and before you know it, you are the little rock of your peers and folk. It’s a great thing but in an other sense it’s bad.

When you always have this great advice for others and no one gives that same advice right back when it could help. It is actually no one’s fault but you hurt in the end and that is what counts when you can sleep or eat.

Your peers and folks become blinded by your perceived ‘strength’ and never even notice you sinking into a bad place. They learn to not worry about you. Not because they care any less, but because they are just blind to it all.

So, just like that its horrible being strong. I hate it. I hate not being able to cry and be vulnerable. I hate not having other people give me hope, that are as many as I try to give hope. I hate not bursting out and rolling in the ground. And letting my tears drench my shirt.
Being strong is bad, besides you giving strength to others, you just get drained.

In a deep and dark retrospect, I think its fine putting your self first and deceitful as it maybe, let other people take care of you.


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